Exceptional calendar calculation skills: a possible link between savant syndrome and autism?

Student project started in May 2021 (Jade Desrosiers's ' Doctoral essay). It should end May 2026.

If you need more informations, please email: jade.desrosiers.1@umontreal.ca

Project description

Calendar calculation is a skill that allows individuals to state the various characteristics that correspond to a given date (Miller, 1999). Various case studies have shown the extent of this skill and the homogeneity of the calculators (Kennedy and Squire, 2007; Miller, 1998; Mottron et al, 2006; Newport, 2006; Rimland, 1978). The calendar calculation remains little known and understood. Some studies (Chia, 2012; Miller, 1999) suggest that scholar syndrome may have a strong association with autistic traits. Scientist syndrome is characterized by exceptional skills that contrast with weaker cognitive, adaptive or behavioral functioning (Miller, 1999). The nature of the link between the two conditions remains unknown.

The main objective of this thesis will be to explore the possible link between savant syndrome and autism, through calendar calculation.

The first sub-objective will be to conduct a systematic review of the literature. The second sub-objective will be to conduct multiple case studies to assess the skill of different people on the autism spectrum.

The research project will potentially open the dialogue on abilities that are not considered normative in the general population, but which could be in the population on the autism spectrum.

Research team

Student InvestigatoreJade DesrosiersUniversité de Montréal
SupervisorLaurent Mottron, M.D., Ph. D.Université de Montréal
Research assistantAngéla Clermont

Funding Organisations

Chaire de recherche Marcel et Rolande Gosselin en neurosciences cognitives fondamentales et appliquées du spectre autistique de l’Université de Montréal